Dec 24, 2016

I guess this is a Christmas card

Written last night:

Dear Friends,

I guess this is a Christmas card. 
Merry Christmas! I don’t suppose you realize how much your kindness has carried me this year. Love to you!

I am so glad I decided to be with family and friends in Miami this season, and can’t imagine why I ever considered otherwise. Thank you all for steering me right again!

The flight over (across the country!) was uneventful. Even though I had two alarms and a friendly wake-up phone call scheduled, I was kind of nervous I’d sleep right through and miss the 6:04 a.m. flight. So Wednesday night I fell sound asleep and then woke up worried every hour, checked the time, and plopped right back to sleep. The 3 a.m. alarms and phone call worked fine. Debbie the uber driver got me to the airport on time, as promised. Shockingly, it was bustling with others who had probably gone through similar rituals, bleary-eyed like me, but ready for take-off. 

The flight was smooth, the food was terrible, and the connections faultless. I changed planes in Phoenix, which many of you know well. That airport is generous with windows, and because I had plenty of time (thanks, Steph!) I walked back and forth from gates A to B two times, just to marvel. Those craggy black mountains! That festering sky!

Miami met me, familiar and new: the not-unpleasant winter humidity and warmth made me shed my sweater pronto; the airport itself seems bigger now and thus easier to navigate — I love its new (?) floor that resembles the beach, with copper-colored sea creatures pressed in; although it was rush hour when Patrick and Steph picked me up, the traffic kept rolling and we got to Key Biscayne quickly.

Since then we’ve been talking, laughing, cooking. There was a cheesecake emergency (solved!) and several runs to the store. Juliana worked on a secret drawing. Cameron caramelized leeks. John prepared the beef. We are pretty much ready for tomorrow's Christmas Eve family party. 

Earlier today I swam in the pool. Old muscle memory clicked — not that I swam fast or sleek —  just plain doing it felt so good. I love how swimming makes my body alive all over, better than running or even dancing. 

This morning was drippy, but soon it turned into a blue-sky, fluffy-cloud, generous Miami day. We are hoping this carries past Christmas. Especially tomorrow, because our celebration is going to be outside by the water.

Wishing you snow or sun or both — whatever you want for Christmas!


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