Sep 12, 2014


Drawing Lab for Mixed-Media Artists by Carla Sonheim is making me love to draw. Other drawing books are a yawn. This one gives me energy.  I seem to be working away at Sonheim's ideas at a rate of about four a week. I've promised myself to draw 100 faces (three so far). Of course, one of the reasons I love this approach is that there don't seem to be any rules. 

Dog, Picasso-style
Faces in ink, watercolor, marker and colored pencil
based on magazine pictures

People I know who wouldn't recognize themselves here
pencil and marker
based on photos

Sep 9, 2014

Green mornings

Twice a week my mornings are quiet and green -- Come see what I mean:


To the right and to the left

American water lilies
View from the wooden lookout
Late-morning shadows are of the gentle hillside to the east
Zing! waits for me to catch up

Near the end

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I love to make things.