May 29, 2018

Don't forget to fly

"There's always a moment when you don't like what you're making." 
Mom would say that when I was sewing a dress and I got sleepy and frustrated and wanted to toss it in the trash. 
It happens a lot still ... when I'm making anything!
At the beginning of this piece, the bird was the only thing I liked. I stuffed the whole thing in the closet. But the bird kept calling me. So I pulled him out and painted big flowers, and hated them, and more flowers and hated them (Who hates flowers??). Then painted everything black, then dark blue-purple, then .... you get the idea. Now I love it. Thanks, bird!

Don't forget to fly 
(last line in a poem by Al Young)
Mixed-media on board
14" x 18" 

May 14, 2018

May 11, 2018

Honoring scientists

Dear Friends,
This is California State Scientist Jim McCall. Yesterday morning he introduced himself to me and Zing! at a CA State Scientist Day the Capitol. He said his job is to track the source of oil spills. (“What does a business say first when there’s an oil spill?” he asked. “It wasn’t us!”) 
We started talking when I asked Mr. McCall about that creature in the bottom photo. "Is it a bird, or a collection of trash?"
“Trash,” Mr. McCall said.
Scientists like Mr. McCall were swarming around the Capitol; students were getting off buses, lining up to learn about bees and water and what happens to a gold mine when it’s closed. Zing and I are thrilled to be in a state that honors science.

This trash creature puts a "face" on the problem of pollution

May 9, 2018

Boring but useful

Written last night:
Dear Friends,

Today's most exciting thing was the HOA meeting.
Have I got your interest yet? 

Boring or not, I’m going to the meetings because I want to know what’s going on where I live. If Clark were alive, he’d go and I could stay home, but now it’s up to me. I feel like a responsible grownup. I even volunteered to be on the communication committee. 
Tonight was boring, of course, but useful --  and I did draw faces.

May 3, 2018

Loose-blooming orchid

Dear Friends,
Yesterday I made this pencil and watercolor drawing of the orchid in the living room. It’s looser because I’m using a pencil, not black pen, and bigger sketchbook. I hope flowers are blooming for you too! 

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I love to make things.