Jan 8, 2017

Name your own BEAUTY

Written last night:

Dear Friends,

It was a glum-weather day, and everybody is waiting for a big wind storm tomorrow afternoon. Someone told me this is the worst weather around here for many years. 

I can barely remember a highlight from this rainy, stay-inside day. I went to Arden Fair Mall, close by, because Mary told me I need something comfy to wear traveling, so I can sleep on the red-eye flight to Miami Wednesday night. She suggested tights and a long sweater. I know, I know — everyone is wearing tights now, been doing it for years, even people with sagging butts (not you, Mary!) I did buy some today at Nordstrom’s, and a pair of hush puppies to wear with them. I like the tights, I like the shoes, I like my long green sweater … but I’ll never wear them together! As you know, I’ve been thinking about how we can each define our own beauty, no need to follow society’s rules… but that also means we can say No Way to a basically good idea that’s not right for us. Kind of sad to admit that tights as pants don’t work for me. (There was a moment when I would have loved them.) However, Mary did get me thinking, nudged me out of my rut. I’m going to wear those tights with something! Thanks, Mary!

Speaking of defining our own beauty — one of the reasons I love Nordstrom’s is that they have big art everywhere. Mostly paintings, in every style. I often go up close to examine the  layers, or the way the canvas is placed inside the frame. It all looks rather formal, of course. But today in one of the dressing rooms I saw a big piece of fabric (maybe muslin, maybe canvas), all dripped with paint, and it was simply tacked to the wall behind a couch. Looked like art to me, relaxed and energetic at the same time. I think I’ll make something like that. 

We art quilters often hear the advice, “If you want to sell it, put a frame on it.” We tend to be apologetic about the flexibility, foldability of our work. We don’t want it to be considered a bedspread or, God forbid, a dishcloth! So we stiffen it, frame it, even put it under glass, sometimes sacrificing the very essence of the work. That’s why the lively painting  simply tacked to the wall caught my attention today.

Other than that, the day is a blur.


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