Jan 29, 2017

Apple, one bite at a time

Written last night:

Dear Friends,

I’m writing this on paper first, because I just discovered Zing’s audio from yesterday and I want to listen to it while I work.** (BARK just now. Silence. Whimper. Silence.) Every bark, even though intermittent, is a shock.

You know I left Zing alone for an hour and a half Friday while I was at lunch. (Now he’s silent.) I’ve been thinking (BARK!) about trauma, how it is difficult to shed. Un-learning takes time. I just got a book called something like The Body Tells the Story, about how we cannot run away from pain. Zing echoes human experience. (He’s quiet now.)

Interesting that I’m writing on my sketchbook today, after how I spent the afternoon — immersed in technology at the Apple store in the mall. I’ve decided to learn the stuff so I don’t get that desperate frantic fear when I feel bested by my “devices.” I signed up for a one-hour free beginners’ iPad workshop. (There’s an advanced one too, and an array of other offerings.)

Maybe you’ve been in — or at least passed by — an Apple store. We didn’t have one in Tallahassee. When I visited the brand new flagship Apple store in San Francisco a couple of months ago I thought the bustle was unique to it, but I was wrong. It’s the same at Arden Mall. While many shops are nearly empty, Apple is jumping. Lots of employees with navy t-shirts. A greeter at the door. People of all ages, most nodding and smiling. I thought they were all buying stuff, but Sherelle, the workshop leader,  said most were there to solve hardware or software problems. No one seemed frustrated or grim. 

I was the only one who showed up for the workshop, so I got one-on-one teaching, got to practice stuff I already know — like splitting the screen — but now I'm good at it. (It’s been an hour. Zing just barked.) I learned plenty, but I’ll spare you details. 

I asked Sherelle if she uses Facebook. She said not much, because it's addictive. "I have an account,” she said, “but I don’t use it much. I’m more of a face-to-face person.” Gotta love a tech pro who says that. 

BTW, Zing made about 10 barks in 90 minutes.  


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