Jun 2, 2017

First the chill, then the sun

Written last night:

Dear Friends,

This morning I had to make a routine call. 
“Welcome to the Internal Revenue Service.” 
Can you imagine the chill those words create? 
Of course you can.

Anyway, that’s how my day began — with a chilled heart. But the call was indeed routine, and the woman (Hudson was her last name — they don’t reveal their first names, she said.) was cheerful, thorough and brief. No problem. Routine.

After that everything seemed delightful.

The best thing was that I kept on making the sun collage, and I couldn’t stop. Usually after Zing and I take our last walk I go to bed, but tonight I went back to my studio and drew circles on the sun -- not exactly Picasso, but just my speed. I can’t wait to add the rays tomorrow.


1 comment:

livelymonkey said...

REALLY LOVE it.......so far. Can't wait to see the finished piece.

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