Apr 16, 2017

Taxes and Easter-colored houses

Written last night:

Dear Friends,

At the end of today I finished (I hope!) work on taxes — which, luckily for me, was just signing and dating and also writing a check because California has taxes too. After Clark died I had to do many financial tasks, most of them simple. But they all made my heart bump. I feared I would do some big wrong thing and soon Zing and I would be eating out of garbage cans. Thanks to all the help at hand, things have gotten easier, and today when I felt that heart worry, I was able to smile to myself and say, “You can do it.” 

Still, I have a call in to George the accountant to make sure I am signing on the correct line.

Other than that,  today was mild — farmers’ market with Liz and Jody, laundry, groceries, and a continued search for the perfect hallway carpet. 

Don’t look now, but here comes the Easter Bunny!

Here are Midtown Sacramento houses in Easter colors:

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