Apr 12, 2017

Picasso did not make applesauce

Written last night:
Dear Friends,

It was a rather uneventful day: I meant to draw all day long. I have this idea that I can devote one day to drawing, one to reading, one to drawing, one to reading, and the rest to fun and chores. That’s not the way it works, of course. I still read the NYTimes every morning, and that can take an hour if I let it. I’ve been exercising at home instead of with a group, as I did in Tallahassee, but it still takes 20-30 minutes. OK, OK, I know that’s not much! Walking Zing is a pleasure of relaxation and discovery that takes maybe an hour a day. I could make the walks shorter, but I don’t want to. Today we saw flowers growing out of the walls of the new Golden One Arena, and then heard little musical splashing pings as the watering system dripped into their soil. It’s really neat to have blossoms growing out of the giant wall and natural water music playing as you walk by.

Sometimes I talk to friends and family and I don’t count the time. I cook at least a little each day (Today I made applesauce and homemade chicken-noodle soup.) And there’s the delightful chore of watching finances, which will someday get easier. 

Those of you who work a full day will say to me YOU ARE LUCKY, and I know I am. And someday soon I will draw all day long. Picasso did, but he didn’t make applesauce.


These photos are at the Golden One Arena a couple of blocks from where I live

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