Apr 5, 2017

Bent like a tree and sweet like a vine

Written last night:

Dear Friends,

This morning was devoted to financial things, and part of it brought me to tears. I was looking at the bank record, with the check register in Clark’s handwriting. Then his marks stopped and mine took over. I caressed his last entry and without warning began to cry. Who cries over a check register? I think it might have started with the way that lovely jasmine scent has been meeting me at various street corners these days. We had jasmine vines in Tallahassee and so did our neighbors and sometimes they were a trailing nuisance, but their scent was heavenly. I was remembering then and living now. Except for this morning, I don’t ever remember loving a check register.

And last month Mary and I talked about doing things the easy way — why do we always think we ought to tough it out? This is my guide for the next three months — Do it the easy way! That and also Trees. I have been loving my kinship with trees, and whenever I feel kind of bent over I look around and pick a tree and adjust my posture accordingly. Crown may be askew, but it is in the sky!

I know you all go through similar financial doings, and maybe even feel bent over sometime, so I’m in good company!



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