Mar 28, 2017

Counterintuitive caffeine: news flash

Written last night:

Dear Friends,

I might appear kind of calm, but my heart beats faster than it used to.

Death makes me worry.

Clark would say get over it, Kathleen. Live!

So today I turned a corner:

Zing and I have called a truce. I bought (rented, actually) a citronella collar for him to wear while I leave.  I hate giving him the little anti-anxiety pills that change his energy so drastically. This collar squirts citronella-scented liquid onto his nose if he barks. I accidentally sprayed the stuff into my own face and it was mild, so I don’t feel nasty giving it to him. Zing has been telling me he is ready, and so am I. We tried it two times today; the literature says it takes a couple of weeks to work. Today he only barked a little bit. 

While on Zing reprieve I had a cup of tea at the bustling Temple coffee shop nearby. If I had wanted, I could have overheard lobbyists and government types discussing strategy. Honest, I didn’t even care to listen to that woman at the next table describing a legislator’s next moves. I was more interested in the barrista who told me that dark roast coffee (like the Italian roast I love) has less caffeine than the lighter beans. “The more you roast them, the more caffeine is removed,” she said. I thought that darker beans are stronger and thus fuller of caffeine. But no.

Tidbits like this make my world turn easily. Life is settling into place. 


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