Feb 15, 2017

Hearts and bitter spray

Written last night:

Dear Friends,

I love hearts and am going to keep on making valentines all year. I know your day was full of love. I feel it!

The Homeowners Association met tonight and I went. Drew a couple of board members’ faces while they weren’t looking. Saw all these men at the big table, and one woman taking notes … I was back in another era. Yet I better be grateful that they do this thankless job. After the meeting I invited the other two women who attended to stop by and look at my newly fixed up condo. I knew they would want to see — they are as curious as I am about how others fix their places. (I always prefer the meeting after the meeting, don’t you?)

Earlier, at lunchtime, Zing and I crossed the yellow bridge and followed the river walk down to the railroad bridge, where we watched an Amtrak train pass by. Lots of people were out in the sun, probably like me, knowing a cold rain is supposed to start up again soon. Zing barked at two dogs, so I sprayed the bitter stuff in the direction of his mouth. No way would he open up. Perhaps tomorrow the dog whisperer will tell me how on earth to follow her directions and persuade Zing to let me spray the nasty stuff directly IN his mouth. 

Love and hearts!

Valentine or not
Inspired by a palm tree and the water rising

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