Dec 21, 2016

Tree and truffles for Christmas

Written last night:

Dear Friends,

As the holiday approaches I cry for Clark, but I am sure he is happy wherever he is, so I stop. Really, I am sure he is toasting us from beyond. Yay! He can drink and enjoy it. I will toast him back. 

He loved the spirit of Christmas, but he didn’t like the hoopla.  He loved the classical music -- The Messiah and Bach.. And getting me a “perfect gift” for $20. And wondering what I would find for him at the same price. That was the most fun.  Some years were more perfect than others. Last year he gave me a perfect round red clock for the kitchen wall, and I gave him two caps — one said Fargo (where he always threatened to take me) and one with a California bear on it (for our family out here).  Little did we know how symbolic that would become. 

Zing has been showing progress — playing catch with me the last two mornings, like we used to do in Tallahassee, and waiting for me to leave (for a minute or two) while he has a treat. We are getting a little routine going, and I hope it won’t be destroyed by the Christmas disruption. 

Today was full of preparation for going to Miami — packing, and making a few more cards. I used to create pretty complicated cards, but these are simple, and only for family. 

This evening I made truffles for giving. I’m not sure who I’m giving them to. These last few days I’ve been making a list of people I want to thank, and there are so many. Each time I think of one name, another pops up. I am lucky! So far, I’ve been eating the truffles myself. 

Tomorrow is the final holiday touches, and then take-off for Miami at 6:04 a.m. Thursday. I am setting two alarms. 


My tree has Indian textiles
and gift card mementos

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