Dec 7, 2016

What curtains can do

Written last night:

Dear Friends:

I have lived with bare windows for so long that I find myself scowling at today's civilized addition of shades and drapes. Being on the twelfth floor and across the street from government offices has made me feel private up here, even though anyone with curiosity and a telescope could probably see in. But as of today I have shades, and  now they are closed for the night. They give privacy and coziness. I’ve got to say it feels good — maybe even better than the beautiful black night with squares of gold light from neighboring office buildings. 

This afternoon, while Steve the window treatment installer was drilling holes in my cement walls, I escaped the noise and dust by retreating to the outside stairway overlooking downtown; I sat on the rock-cold landing, where I read awhile and made a few phone calls. With a plate of cheese and bread, I had my own
private picnic.

I don’t know why, but today I also cooked more like I used to — polenta and roasted tomatoes and spinach and applesauce — and also for the first time in a while I got lost in reading an actual paper paper — The New York Review of Books, which Rig introduced me to.  There I learned that the father of poet James Merrill had founded Safeway Markets, as well as Merrill Lynch. Then later today, when I stopped in at Safeway, I felt compelled  to share this tidbit with a checkout person. Surely she would want to know that her store had been started by a the father of a great poet!  But I controlled myself and shut up. Until now.


My chilly picnic


Linda said...

If there is any light in my bedroom I have a hard time sleeping, so I have adequate curtains to ensure enough darkness. I hope the curtains have helped you in this way as well. You have a very nice blog. Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)

Kathleen said...

How great to hear from you, Linda!
I too am disturbed by light, and a few years back the light around my sister's guest-room shades kept me awake when I was visiting.I remembered a children's book in which a lovely pig wore a pink eye mask with sparkles, so I bought myself a mask at the drug store . It is plain
blue and black, but it does block out the light. My guest room blinds are light blocking for that reason! But in my bedroom and the living area I have a slightly less dense light blocker, which is softer. I love the window treatments!

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