Sep 15, 2016

The fixed and the broken

Written last night:

The plumber came today and I loved being able to give him a $20 tip. I don’t think I’ll be charged more … because everything worked, once he touched it! A couple of weeks ago I thought I’d have everything that was slow or broken replaced, but then I realized I don’t want to do that. If something can be fixed, let me keep it!
So he told me how to fix the tub drain (with a suction cover), the slow-flushing toilets (make sure the water is pointed in the right direction — it was pointed wrong/ that’s all!), the leaking garbage disposal (get a new one and keep the bucket under the sink until I do.). He told me that newer toilets are less powerful, because of the requirements to conserve water ("You really have to flush twice,” he said.) So it’s better to keep the old ones, he said. 

He gave me respect for people who know their craft. 

Oh, and yesterday my bed collapsed. I’m not going to tell you how! But the wood supports under the king-sized bed splintered and gave way. My mattress and box springs are now on the floor. I am mad.

The thing is, Clark and I were shopping for a new bed probably a year ago, maybe less. We found one we liked at Ashley Furniture in Tallahassee, and were surprised at its $300 or so price (That’s low.) It was just what we wanted, a simple sleigh bed that goes with our dressers and end tables. When we were buying it the clerk asked if we wanted insurance, in case anything happens to the bed. Clark and I looked at each other and agreed without talking that buying such insurance would be a waste. I mean, how can a bed break? Within a year — yesterday — I would find out. A bed can break if it’s cheap. If it isn’t screwed to the sides, but just laid on the edge support. If you rejected the possibility of buying insurance, you almost certainly will see the bed supports break. There is no good time for a bed to fall to the floor!

But Clark and I looked at each other and shrugged: how ridiculous to buy bed insurance! 

Today I headed to Ashley furniture, where we bought the bed (in Tallahassee, not in Sacramento). I just wanted the name of someone who could fix my bed. I don’t want to buy a new bed!! They can help if I have insurance, the young woman told me. So there! I need bed insurance and I don’t have it! How ridiculous! But today I Googled this whole thing and found that if you buy a cheap bed ($300 is cheap.) you will most likely hear it fall to the floor when you don’t want to. Thus, bed insurance.

I hope that tomorrow I’ll find someone who can fix my bed. Because I like it. I thought a bed was the headboard and footboard. I should have known it is really the supports. And mine gave way. 

For part of today — a small part — it felt like I had a household set up. I was driving out I-80 to Home Depot to do some research before I buy a new kitchen sink. As I was turning in, my phone rang (Don’t answer a phone while you’re driving in California!) It was a call about my washer and dryer. They are all confused — the delivery people. So I stopped by Best Buy to see Mui, who sold me the appliances. I like Mui and we’ve gotten to know each other these past couple of weeks. You do remember that the washer and dryer were rejected, and the second set was found to be possibly never about to be made. And the third — well, Mui said the third is having trouble getting off the boat from the east. “The delivery company went bankrupt,” she said. “They can’t unload the boats.” My appliances, along with those of other shoppers, are  for now trapped on a boat. 



P.D. Crumbaker said...

The fixed and the broken and the traces that remain behind after the repair work is done. And the little aggravations the universe throws our way left and right until, finally, the bed collapses. What's a gal to do? Shake a fist! Shout, "Really?!" I love that you forge these bonds with people who know how to fix stuff. And, while I'm glad I don't have to deal with it, it's intriguing to think of appliances trapped on a ship and waiting for rescue.


Kathleen said...

I love your take on my situation, Dianne! You are a lyric writer.

pdrumbaker said...

I am so enjoying your daily postings. I missed it when it wasn't there. I'm not alone in this, I'm sure.

Lesley Valdes said...

Me too it is reasouring to know we are not alone as single women facing the small challenges that can devastate our equilibrium especially those tomes there are way bigger challenges!!!!

Lesley Valdes said...

Nice typo eh 'tomes.'
. Maybe a book on The Little Things, dear Kathleen!

Lesley Valdes said...

One more: do you YouTube? I have no done minor repairs I never possible. THANK YOU GOOGLE

Lesley Valdes said...

One more: do you YouTube? I have no done minor repairs I never possible. THANK YOU GOOGLE

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