Feb 15, 2012

Beach Walk
Cedar Key Quilt Show
January 2012

This is what the Judges' Evaluation said about Beach Walk:
Overall Appearance: "Great color choices, you really feel the water & sun going down."

Quilting: "improve finishing around edges and you have got a winner."

Additional Comments: "Really creates a mood of walking on the beach -- cold -- darkness or storm approaching -- very creative--"

That wasn't so hard! I don't know if I'll continue making evaluations public (there is a tiny public out there, isn't there?), but I want to. I am thrilled to be part of the Cedar Key show. I learned at Quilt Surface Design Symposium that the finest quilt artists have work criticized and even rejected sometimes. I'm at a point where I actually can learn from others' observations, as I  follow my own creative instincts. And I want to share. This is what it's like.

Here's more from Cedar Key. Unfortunately, Virginia Stevenson's lovely silk piece was not on the wall when we were there.

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