Jan 23, 2018

Not too boring after all

Written last night:

Dear Friends,
Two things happened today.
1. The HOA meeting. Booooooring, right? But tonight I decided to ask questions about the boring stuff, and other people spoke their minds too, and it was about as fun as a meeting can get. Then: 
2. Two friends who live here, came for dinner after the meeting. (Don’t tell them, but it was leftover chili from Saturday.) We rehashed the meeting over the chili, topped with avocado, onions (soak chopped onions for an hour in ice water to reduce their odor), grated cheese, and chopped cilantro. Rice pudding with cinnamon and lemon zest for dessert.
Then Zing and I went for a walk and on the sidewalk we met someone from the building and again we rehashed the meeting. It reminds me of city politics, but extremely local. I had fun.

Here’s the dinner table after my friends left. Pellegrino water, wine, white napkins, and Zing!

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