Aug 7, 2017

Train station people

Written last night:

Dear Friends,

I admire Terry Tempest Williams, and was going to hear her speak at the Presidio (not sure what that is — a park? near the Golden Gate Bridge??) in San Francisco today. But at the last minute I got an email that she’s sick, and the event has been postponed until fall. So I went to the train station a few blocks away from here to cancel my Amtrak ticket.

I love the train station. It’s big and historical. They let dogs in — just not on the trains. So Zing went with me and curled on the floor while I worked with the ticket seller. Then we looked into the big waiting room, with its clock and historical mural. You always see a great mix of people, and today this is what we saw. I leaned against the wall, well behind these young women, to sketch them.


1 comment:

Mag Miner Mitchell said...

I always love seeing such authentic people.

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