Feb 16, 2017

We're surrounded by pros

Written last night:

Dear Friends,

Zing and I just came back from our first training session, recommended by ML, the yoga teacher with the recalcitrant German Shepherd. It’s run by Alan and Renée — she’s the wrangler and he’s the teacher. Throughout the hour they kept up a patter of snide remarks and jibes that only a divorced couple still working together could devise. 

There were seven large dogs — big boxers and German shepherds and one that looked like a calf —  and Zing. We were definitely out of place. After a demonstration of using the loose leash, we were all parading in a circle, and Alan said to me, “Why are you here?” “Separation anxiety,” I said, as Zing trotted perfectly beside me. 

There are two more classes, and Alan said he will give us side tips, and he encouraged me to leave Zing alone for longer and longer times. Renée said I should leave a bottle of the Bitter Apple spray by the door to remind Zing not to bark when I’m gone. She also told me that when I can’t spray it directly into Zing’s mouth I should put some on my hand and then rub that on his nose. 

Alan couldn’t stop gushing about what a fine dog Zing is. They both seemed to think that a dog as perfect as Zing will be a cinch to get in line. Zing and I discussed it on the way home, and we think they are right. We are both tired of this complete togetherness. 

Earlier in the afternoon we made a trial run to Tahoe Park, where the dog training is held in a building by the swimming pool. I didn’t want to get lost driving there in the dark, but I got lost in the light anyway. Just one wrong turn and I was in the UC-Davis medical center complex — a mini-city of specialty hospitals, offices and administrative buildings, surrounded by small charming and sometimes shabby houses. I’d been told the medical center (headquartered in Sacramento, not Davis) is major, and now I have seen it. 

Zing and I are lucky to have such pros around. 


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