Jul 31, 2011

River wrap-up

L-hook with bumper

The River quilt is hanging so that it looks like art -- I've got to pinch myself and when I do, I say, "You're pinching an artist!"
This is how George and Sue hung the piece:
1. They asked me to make the casing in 3 separate pieces, so I made two outside casings of about 7" each. I sewed them about 1" in from the sides and 1/2" from the top. The center casing takes up the rest, about 20".
2.They hung two L-hooks where the casings meet, 8" in from the edges. In addition to being out of sight, hooks placed this way offer more support to the center, to avoid possible sagging.
3. They put little black foam doughnuts, from the plumbing department, over the hooks. They ensure there's space between quilt and wall.
4. The quilt, with a flat board in the casing, rests on the hooks. It looks great. I'm going to re-hang all my quilts this way.

Here are some other things I learned while making this piece:
I followed Judy Perez' tutorial on how to make a faced binding. 

River inspiration.

Joan Mitchell painter: River and Sides of a River
John O'Donahue, For the Pilgrim a Kiss: the Caha River
XTC, River of Orchids
Lethe, River of Forgetfulness--Drink from it and forget earthly life
Amos 5, 24. But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness a never-failing stream!

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