Nov 15, 2016

Can't write in my sleep

Written last night:

Dear Friends:
I fell asleep as I wrote this first line and woke up at 11:45 — an hour and  a half later. My hands were poised over the keyboard and there was a groove from the mac edge on my wrists. That was a minute ago, so I’ll keep this short.

I had many hours to myself today because Zing was at the gym with Sandra and several dogs — most of them belonging to people who were working out.  It’s Zing’s fault that I fell asleep so soon --
 he did too, tired out completely!

So it was an abnormally normal day. Mostly, I straightened up the studio.  

I’m falling asleep again! Tomorrow I’ll tell what I forgot today!

Zing and I did cross the golden Tower Bridge Monday morning
(I walked longer than usual, talking to Mary.)
This is what we saw as we stepped off the bridge, which faces the Capitol Building in the rising sun
My building is one block over and two blocks up on the right


livelymonkey said...

10:00 a.m. A nd I just woke from my first nap of the day! My friend says it's the angle of the sun these days. For me, it's the pain pill! And you? Finally relaxing in Sacramento.

Kathleen said...

Not napping yet!
But I am in favor of napping.
The pain pills are not clouding your mind.
My mind clouds up -- no pill needed!

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I love to make things.