Oct 10, 2016

This shifting life

Written last night:

I admit it — this is hard — My house is unkempt, my dog is uneasy, and I am unable to see very far ahead. This shifting life reminds me of sailing, with the deck always tilting; you’ve got to watch the wind. And who can see the wind?

But today was full of angels. I can’t remember when, but some years back I became aware of them: people seemingly sent directly to me, often on a hard day, bringing some kind of sweetness.. You probably have had such encounters. (It’s what Clark and I had in mind when we named the best thing that happened each day.) 

By midmorning I was feeling trapped and troubled from staying with Zing. So we took a walk, faster and farther than we’ve been able to manage since arriving in Sacramento. My knee has improved every day and — startlingly — today it doesn’t hurt at all. Plus I’ve taught myself to spring off my toes and navigate with my hips,  instead of leaning on my knees for all progress.

We practically spun down 2nd Street toward Old Town by the Sacramento River, then beyond to the Railroad Museum and almost to where the Sacramento and American Rivers meet.

On our way through Old Town we met two couples, one from Chicago and one (with three small dogs)  from Los Angeles. Both encounters practically glowed with kindness and affection. It felt like we should all have dinner and exchange Christmas gifts. They gave me hope. 

The whole thing made Zing tired.

Which was my goal, since I had my first poetry class at at the Crocker Museum at 1:30 p.m. I left Zing sleepy but unwilling to relax in his crate home. I gave him a little meatball with some happy herb juice for dogs on it, promised to be back and then hoisted the blockade of footstools and furniture so he couldn’t reach the front door.

(You probably know I love poetry, and this class was another high spot of the day.) 

Afterward, Zing met me at the door, having slipped through my makeshift wall. He was silent for that second; what happened before is his secret.

Happy (should we still call it) Columbus Day!


Old Town building
Mechanics'  Exchange
Love the apostrophe!

The barricade of pillows

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