Oct 4, 2016

Looking back, looking forward

Written last night:

Really?? 100??

100 days. almost  a third of a year.

Clark is more real to me now than he ever was. 

I am grateful you, my family and friends,  are out there, accepting these emails and blog posts.  The blog feels real to me because it’s written to real people — my family — as an email every evening.

What Clark has taught me in these 100 emails is that he is still around. 

I am feeling kind of lonely, but that’s because my life is coming together, without being complete. I have to make a whole new life out here.  I like it. You are welcome to visit. No collapsing beds! I promise! 

Speaking of dependability and routine — I’ve decided to spend Monday mornings on financial review; I’ve been way too preoccupied with insurance and all that other stuff. It's  coming together and I have to keep an eye on it. So that’s how this morning went.

This afternoon I looked at bathroom sinks and faucets. And then got new distance-lens glasses from Wal-mart. And then got lost at Ikea. I don’t think that store is for me.  

When I got home, I sneaked up on Zing, taking the elevator to the eleventh floor instead of 12, in case he stops barking when he hears the elevator stop on our floor. So I stopped at 11, walked up to 12, and heard nothing. Maybe he’s not barking when I’m out any more. I sure hope not. It makes me nervous all the time I’m gone, wondering if we’ll be fined or kicked out for disturbing the peace.  Just another part of getting a routine. 

Then we went for a walk along the river, looking at the Crocker Museum, which had turned gray under the cloudy sky.


Crocker Museum on a sunny afternoon last week, above,
the same view, approximately same time,  on cloudy Monday, below
The exterior walls, when you tap them, feel lie metallic tiles

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