Jul 3, 2018

Trees and angels appear

* Dear Friends,
It was a quick trip to the grocery. Saturday.  On the way home, at a red light on P Street, I heard above Rosa’s head (and mine) sounds like birds cracking nuts while flying. In a second, a shower of shards bounced  off the roof over my head and my poor car Rosa shuddered.  Then, I think, the light turned green. But I couldn’t go anywhere because a large piece of tree had crashed down on us. (In dry weather they're brittle.)  Shocking to suddenly have a tree on your head. At least, that is what Rosa told me. But this is where the good part happens: 
I love how people come from nowhere just when you need them. 
Before I even got out of the car, a man and a woman ran from the apartment building on the corner and lugged the tree off my car, dragged it to the curb, and then solicitously questioned me.  Was I OK? Was my car OK?
And just as fast,  a car rolled up beside Rosa. The window went down. It was Jeremy from our building. He must have seen the whole thing from a block behind us. He stopped his car in the middle of the street and persistently questioned me. He would not go until he was sure I was OK, and that Rosa was also fine.
I didn’t have a second to feel alone. So I believe in angels and sometimes I even know their names. 

* I haven't been a faithful blogger lately. Blame it on those few days in San Francisco without my mac.  Next trip maybe I'll take mac with me...

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