Nov 1, 2017

Clanking our democracy machine

Written last night:

Dear Friends,

I know it’s crazy, but I feel more at home tonight, now that I have been to a City Council meeting. I just got back. There’s something about seeing my city council members in person, with their name tags and high-up chairs under the city seal, that makes living here official to me. Not that I love meetings — they are tedious, boring, eye-rollingly ceremonial … but … now I’ve witnessed my new city clanking its democracy machine, and I feel better. I arrived a little late and left just before the end, and I chose tonight figuring the Halloween meeting would be brief. (It was.) Councilors discussed homelessness, public art, and the budget. They were attentive and courteous to citizens who spoke, including the rambling and the disheveled. In the lobby I ran into my neighbor Chad, who represents the fire department at these meetings, and he made me feel welcome too.

I was drawing as I watched.


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