Feb 11, 2015

Red makes me happy

Last night I was grumpy. I hadn't touched paint or fabric all day. Guess I'm hooked on making stuff.

Today was different. I bought Gina Lee Kim's first Art Lesson from Interweave Press, and learned some tips for working the warm spectrum with watercolors. If I were serious, watercolor would scare me, but I'm not, so it's fun. All my forays down art's many avenues are for making me a better, sharper and more sensitive art quilter. But I'm loving this splashing around in colored water.

One thing painters know is to be careful mixing colors. Mixing hues on opposite sides of the color wheel makes mud.

Tip One: Because Kim is a multimedia artist, she can stick to related colors, painting yellow, orange, red, pink, and purple -- adding complements with other media. This avoids making paint mud.

2. Draw with an oil stick. It resists paint.

3. A glaze is adding color on top of dried color. It intensifies things.

4. Watercolor dries about 25% lighter.

5. Dropping color means adding a new pigment to a wet spot.

The text is from Rumi --

Welcome and entertain them all
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture.

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