Jul 24, 2013


Monday Zing! and I were running at Phipps Park, in the low area by the lake bed, and suddenly we were chased by storm clouds. It was sunny when we started, but ...  Just the day before I'd been scared off our front porch by a lightning storm. Still, I have to admit I considered bypassing this wooden viewing tower. I thought we might outrun the storm. However, Zing! persuaded me to be careful, and I'm grateful. Shortly after this photo, we relaxed on the bench upstairs and watched the grasses flatten and the trees bow down. Birds stopped singing and butterflies disappeared. We heard only rain on the wood roof. Lightning. Thunder. It reminded me of being at anchor in our old sailboat the Partnership during one of those wild Great Lakes storms. I loved it. Even Z! put his ears down and relaxed after a while.

It was a long and private time.

Then the rain slowed, the weeds stood straight, and I began to hear birds and swat mosquitoes. As we jogged again along the path, we were confronted by a big spotted tortoise. I've never seen one in this part of the park. Then a deer poked head and shoulders from the protecting trees and seemed to find everything satisfactory. I imagined these creatures were, like Z! and I, quietly exulting for some unknown reason.

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