Jul 3, 2019

Just showing up

Written last night:

Dear Friends,
Today I went to the gym and then to a — what do you call it? meeting? rally? demonstration? — those things that happened around the country to protest the treatment of people in detention at the southern border. It was at the U.S. Courthouse. I went just to be another person there. I didn’t shout or carry a sign or anything. I didn’t even really hear what the speakers said. I stood in the shade beside a fountain, which dulled the sound, and anyway the audio was terrible. But I didn’t care because if we’ve watched the news we all know what the speakers said. There was a bigger crowd than I expected; it filled the patio at the entrance to the courthouse, and there was also a crowd along I Street, holding signs so drivers passing by could see.* Lots of cars honked in agreement, and big trucks sounded their horns often too. 

Dignitaries talked. I was standing at the back edge, next to a man in a suit, wearing sunglasses. He carried his iPhone oddly — under his armpit, kind of like a pistol. When someone important — you could tell by the louder applause — began to speak I asked the man, “Who’s that?” he looked straight ahead and didn’t respond. So I guess he was security for that person, whoever it was. There was also a strategist from the governor’s office standing nearby. He did smile hello. 

Earlier this morning I went searching for fields of sunflowers. I don’t want to miss their big bloom this year, like I did last year. I found some in Yolo County, but they were on a busy road. I want to stop safely and draw them. I’m going to search for a more rural field later this week.

* Move on email this morning said "400 people showed up on their lunch hour today to say CLOSE. THE. CAMPS!" 

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