Mar 21, 2013

Finding Florida

We heard T.D. Allman, author of Finding Florida, speak about his newly-published history of the state, at Barnes & Noble Wednesday night. Allman was born in the Tampa area, but made his name (to me, at least) as a New Yorker writer. (also notable reporting in Vanity Fair and lots of other great venues.)

Clark didn't want to go at first, but he relented -- then took a seat smack in the center of the front row. Not where I like to be. So I began to cough -- no, not on purpose! I always cough during meetings and wherever else I don't like to be. -- When I got up for some water, Allman was genial.

An engaging speaker, Allman seemed surprised at the crowd gathered around him. He rambled in a friendly way -- that he lives in France,  has several homes,  speaks a handful of languages (including Nepalese from his Peace Corps days), and is brushing up on Spanish so he can appear lucid in an upcoming Univision appearance. He wasn't big on specifics from his book -- just indicated that it's probably going to offend some people who like the going story, saying that documents -- not oral history -- back him up. His blunt overview last night makes me want to read his history of our state. Besides, I just liked him. He wears suspenders.

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