Horrible serendipity caused writer
Susan Cerulean & others to collect essays & poetry to "speak with one voice across Florida" against drilling for oil. This was five months before the BP oil spill, so the collection that resulted,
UnspOILed: Writers Speak for Florida's Coast, has potent urgency. Saturday I heard several of the writers read their pieces at
Native Nurseries. I was impressed with their passion & how they seem to be able to put their words into action. They were:
Julie Hauserman,
Diane Roberts of FSU, Crystal Wakoa, Grace Jackson, &
O. Victor Miller of Georgia & Florida.
Thought you might be interested!
Dear Peter,
Thank you & good luck to you!
You might be interested in my link to Rodney. He is a fabulous, spirited photojournalist who has been known to do weddings in the Detroit area. Now he's chronicling his fight with leukemia. I think you will like him.
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