Feb 23, 2020

Taking it easy with Zing!

Dear Friends,
Zing! is still slightly groggy, sleeping on the turquoise daybed where I am typing. Friday he had a little white growth removed from his right eye. He’s been grumpy ever since because he’s trapped in one of those cone collars to protect the stitches. He grumbled all the way home from the vet and one minute after we got home he had pawed it off his head. Then he sat in my lap and let me put it back on. By now I think he’s resigned to it. We’ve got two weeks of this!

I’m taking a course called Mindful Self-Compassion, led by a married couple who are therapists. We’re learning ways to be gentle with ourselves — the first step is to realize we often talk to ourselves critically. So, give yourself a break and everything gets better!

I was surprised there are more than 30 people of all ages in the class, and maybe a fourth are men. 

Here are some drawings from the past few days. I love them even though they’re messy — The idea is to look at your subject, not at your paper. It’s actually fun.


I've been drinking more tea lately
with honey

Green velvet chair

Paint on studio table

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