My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This is a classic introduction to myths. I got it to keep up with a student studying ancient Greece. I didn't like it as much as I did when it was published in 1962. The art of some children's books is timeless, but this seems stiff now to me. Also, the gods are portrayed as "getting married" over and over -- the same gods. But I guess even today some may find the gods too sexy for a children's book.
My favorite is the nymph Daphne, who turned into a tree fleeing Apollo. And I am forever grateful to Prometheus for stealing fire from Olympus for us humans, not only for warmth and food, but to uplift us. And Orpheus, whose music turned sad. And Arachne, who thought she was a better weaver than Athena (I suspect she was). And Ariadne, who gave her love Theseus a magic ball of thread so he could follow it out of the labyrinth. The stories are timeless.
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