Mar 2, 2012

How to clean a leek

Leeks often have sand in them. I used to try to scrub and rinse between the layers. It was nearly impossible, so dinner would be sandy, and that made me stop cooking with leeks. Here is how I do it now, and it works. You start with leeks (above).

Cut off the tough green tops. I've never been sure exactly how much to cut, but what you see above works. Maybe I could go higher.

Slice. I started with crosswise, but I prefer lengthwise.


Put in a bowl and run water into it. Swish around to loosen sand.

Drain. Repeat rinse and drain another time or two, until you feel no sand in the bowl. Your leeks are clean. Continue with the recipe. If you're going to sauté them, wrap them in a towel and squeeze it over the sink to eliminate some water first.

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